Duration 8:40

Module 2.4.1: Sifat 11: Safeer and Takreer (الصفير و التكرير) | Tajweed4all 香港

317 watched
Published 20 Jul 2022

This is an introductory series to the theoretical Tajweed concepts for the Tajweed4All course based in Perth, Australia. We hope that it can be of benefit. We cover most of the Tajweed rules in a simple approach over ~20 lessons with ~4 modules each lesson. The textbook we use in class/reference is “Illustrated Tajweed in English - Dr Ayman Rushdi Swaid” Please get in touch if you would like to see the full curriculum/course structure to follow through. Thank you to all our great students who have made this course what it is. I ask Allah to make us all of the people of the Quran and accept from you all. Link to the text book in Australia: https://dsbooks.com.au/products/illustrated-tajweed-in-english-by-dr-ayman-rushdi-swaid-new-edition-2021-in-one-volume?variant=39492212457585¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjN-SBhCkARIsACsrBz6s4ehRlDWwQHc4YT3ETW3kOekhY_WEDnTAw8yM1K43UwJBxcunPzUaAjYbEALw_wcB A digital copy is found at the link below (mobile app) based https://gwthani.com/en/books/112 #Tajweed #tajweed101 #Tajweed4All #Makharij #sifat #Quran #Quraan #recitation


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