Duration 8:45

CLC Devil Music Video - Reaction

595 watched
Published 7 Oct 2020

After loving Helicopter, we’re back to check out another CLC song. This time we took a look at Devil. The song has a completely different sound and vibe from Helicopter but it’s still upbeat and catchy. We really loved Devil, although after watching the MV we wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of CLC. So far two for two for CLC! They’re ticking a lot of our boxes! Can they go three for three? We want to hear more CLC so we’ll be back with another reaction on Friday. If there’s a CLC song you think we should check out, let us know in the comments! 💛If you had fun watching our CLC Devil MV reaction, be sure to hit subscribe. 💛Help "refill our teacup." Support us and our channel on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/teacupfurychannel


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