Duration 2:4

A glimpse into Tantric Massage

4 652 watched
Published 16 Apr 2021

Tantric Massage is a deeply sensual, somatic and spiritual practice holding great beauty, mystique and power. With calm yet firm presence the giver guides the receiver into a state wherein they can let go of all facades and explore what it is to be free, authentic and in bliss. It is a supple unfolding of divine masculine (giving) and divine feminine (receiving) energies at play channelled through both individuals. Continued practice trains Kundalini, divine feminine energy, to move throughout the subtle energy body catalysing powerful orgasmic awakening and restoration of youthfulness, joy and overall wellbeing. For more information head to the following ___________________________ ➳ whitedakini.com ➳ Instagram @whitedakini ➳ Facebook @whitedakinipage ➳ Pinterest @whitedakini Namaste ॐ Warmest, Charlotte 🎬 🎥 Julian Escobar Ramirez, Instagram @julian.esc 🤍SUBSCRIBE to the WHITE DAKINI channel for free Yoga videos and Tantric insights to build your fitness and knowledge of intimacy, self and soul! 🤍


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